Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Walt Ride 2010 planning session....
Since motorcycle movie night is set for Jan. 15 at 7 p.m., the excecutive board of the Red Wing IronWorks Motorbike Club will meet for a Walt Ride 2010 planning and strategy meeting prior to the movie to discuss and plan our foray to Arkansas. Meeting time is 6 p.m. For those in the know, what it really means is an extra hour of swilling beer.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas from Red Wing IronWorks Motorbike Club

Hope that you all enjoy the holidays with friends and family alike. Here's to a safe riding year ahead for all involved; and here's to a peaceful and prosperous New Year. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of Jerry Garcia because of all the photos stored on my computer, he's the one that most resembles Santa Claus. Here's to you, Jerry for making the holidays more merry.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bracing for the Big One
Here at the IronWorks headquarters we are hunkering down and bracing ourselves for the big, nasty winter storm that is to barrell down on us in the Midwest. If you gotta travel for the holidays, take it easy and be safe. Otherwise, stay put and stock up on Christmas cookies and beer. In the meantime, enjoy a Random Motorcycle Picture of the Day:
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Motorcycle Movie Night Set for Jan. 15, 2010
Motorcycle Movie Night is set for Jan 15 at Little Timmy's house. The featured title: "Girl On A Motorcycle". Stand back as this one may hurt your eyes. Wowzeeer. All the 60s biker chick action a guy could want. Who stars in this flick? I don't know. No matter, it will also be a night to unveil Red Wing IronWorks Red Rider Ale, brewed up by Christian. Come one, come all. Time to be determined, but my guess would be 7 p.m.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Kawasaki down and out in Superbike...
Kawasaki has announced that it has pulled the plug on its DMG/AMA racing efforts for 2010. The company chaulks it up to a tanking economy, but sources close to the scene say it could be due to the f**cked up rules imposed by DMG. Talk amongst yourselves.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Well, that's that, isn't it...

Officially, the riding season is done. We're calling it here at the IronWorks headquarters. Blizzard conditions are forecast for the rest of tonight and tomorrow. Hard to believe that little more than a week ago, it was damn near 50. But we'll get through winter, and down to the real work that needs doing: planning out Walt Ride '10. Early consensus is Arkansas......
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Brew day a cold day, but......

Got a little chilly in Christian's garage, but the beer making went well and it should be ready sometime in January. The idea is that Tim will provide a racy motorcycle movie, "Girl On A Motorcycle", to go along with the IronWorks Red Rider Ale that is currently perculating away in the garage, for the January Motorcycle Movie Night (TBD). I am telling you, there is no finer brewmaster than Christian, and it sure doesn't hurt to have him in our midst. Also, his repaired and trued front wheel was dropped off by FedEx, and he's hoping for a test ride yet before it gets seriously cold. (It's only 16 degrees now, no big deal.)
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
IronWorks Beer Day is Saturday....

Our man Christian is putting together some ingredients for the first-ever IronWorks sanctioned beer. Though some of us like our Manhattans, beer is a very good thing, too, and when Christian brews, it's some good stuff, and for this go round he's brewing up a hoppy American Red Ale with rye. Here is a schedule for Saturday, Dec. 5:
0900: Grind grains and heat mash water.
0930: Start mash. Clean fermentation carboy.
1000: Heat sparge water
1030: Finish mash, sparge
1100: Start boil
1200: Finish boil, start cooling
1230: Transfer cooled and aerated wort to carboy.
1300: Pitch yeast. Find lunch.
Dress warm, it all happens in the garage. Temps are predicted to be in the 30s. An excellent day for making beer.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving at the Lucky Cat Lounge...
We didn't actually go there for Thanksgiving,(we've got our grandma's for that) but for a little pre-Thanksgiving cheer the night before. Whilst quaffing down an assortment of beers (and the Lucky Cat does have a great selection of micro brews: Bud drinkers need not apply), we talked of plans for next year's Walt Ride 2010. On the table are rides to Eureka Springs, Ark.; twisty roads of Minnesota's Arrowhead region, or the South Dakota Black Hills. The IronWorks executive planning committee will have its work cut out making a choice as all are great riding options. No doubt, Walt himself would agree. Anyway of important note is that the weekend of Dec 5th, we are going to brew up a special batch of beer with a lot of rye; we'll think of a good name and make it the official beer of the IronWorks club. Brewmaster Christian is the man with the plan. Stand by for details. And Little Timmy, we missed you last night.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Motorcycle Movie Night Season underway....

The first official "winter" motorcycle movie night is scheduled for 7 p.m., Friday, Nov. 20 at Christian's house. The classic "On Any Sunday" will be the feature. Steve McQueen, Mert Lawill, Malcom Smith show motorcycle grit back in the day when men were men; smoked unfiltered cigs; rode with open-face helmets and bubble shields; guzzled Schlitz beer the gallons, and there was none of this politically correct mamby-pamby limp-wristed bulls**t about two-strokes hurting polar ice caps and the East Asian Chipmunck population, or hurting someone's feelings. Screw that. Bring your favorite libation and step back to 1970, man.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cool Isle of Man video
Great video from across the pond of one of the greatest motorcycle races on Earth.
Here's a link:
Here's a link:
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
November 1 ride.....
Get over your candy buzz; the weatherman is saying close to 60 degrees on Sunday, Nov. 1. Meet for coffee at Smokey Row and then go for a ride. Sounds good, no?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
IronWorks Commentary....Bye Bye Buell; Harley riders watch your back
The discarding of Buell by Harley Davidson has lead to more than a few discussions around the ol’ IronWorks clubhouse. Love Buell or hate Buell, the company’s demise is a blow to the motorcycling industry. No one wants to see one of its own go down for the count and not get back up. Though the quality control in the early years was iffy at best, I’ve admired how far they come in bringing a better product to market, though not perfect. At one point in Buell‘s history, nearly all of its bikes were recalled. That‘s a hard shot to the jaw. But Buell stood fast and followed through with the commitment to make better bikes. We had the chance to see the new engineering efforts up close about three years ago when Buell hosted a test ride at Welch Village. (Unfortunately, it was a wash out and the company lawyers wouldn’t allow test rides in the rain.) Though Buell’s were never to my taste aesthetically, and I believed them to be far too small for my stature, I found its Ulysses model eye catching, and a bike that had a lot of potential to push the company forward. And, with popular press, I think it did. Buell, as a bike builder, brought a lot of ingenuity to the table with it gas-in-frame design, mass centralization and all of that. But what really hamstrung Buell, and we all know this, was its use of the Harley Sportster engine. We all questioned how Buell could charge $10,000 for a sport bike that essentially had a 1950s era power plant when the same money could buy a Japanese liter bike that would simply smoke a Buell any which way on any given day. I think Buell saw that as a problem and eventually turned its eyes to Rotax to develop the mill that wound up going into the 1125R and 1125CR. When these bikes were brought to market, some were happy that America had finally delivered a home grown sport bike worthy of being called a “sport bike”. But again some would argue that these two models were still ugly, overpriced, and over matched by other manufacturers. No matter, it was another step forward. Clearly, Buell was trying to step out of Harley’s big shadow. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late. And it didn’t help that Harley Davidson treated Buell as the red headed step child. As the economy hit hard, Buell had to idle its plant late this summer. And, as many are aware, Harley pulled the plug on Buell two weeks ago. Honestly, I find this act to smack of treachery on the part of the Motor company. There probably will be efforts to revive Buell, and in fact those rumors have already started to circulate. But the problem is that Harley has destroyed the Buell name, and with it any legacy that may remain. I’ve seen ads on the internet for the remaining new on-the-show-room-floor Buells selling for thousands less than the asking price of just a few weeks ago. These are no doubt great deals, but they came at a high cost for Buell owners who will never be able to sell their bikes second hand any where near a reasonable asking price. The bottom has dropped out for them, and for this Harley should be looked upon with disdain. Yes, times are tough and business is business, but this was heartless. It has left a cadre of riders who will never buy another Harley product and will do all that they can to vilify the company name. At a time when Harley should be attracting younger riders, it has slammed shut a window of opportunity. Short sighted as bad economic times do not last forever. If Harley’s profit margin stays in decline, I’d hate to see what’s in store for the faithful that blindly buy its products year after year. Harley likes to tout that faith in its marketing, but it may only flow to benefit one entity; the one housed at Juniper Avenue in Milwaukee.
Out and About...
Little Timmy and I did a spur of the moment coffee run down to Pepin. Saturday was predicted to be the only good day of the week. Weren't a lot of others bikes out there, but a handful of Beemer guys, a Gold Wing or two, and a few sport bike jockeys. I guess 45 degrees keeps a lot of riders at home. The Aerostich and a heated vest definitely help on the cooler days, and so did my new fleece long undie bottoms. I had to give them a test run, and honestly, I would have been fine without them. (Underneath the vest, I only wore a t-shirt and a long sleeve UnderArmor knock off. It kept me warm, but the ride home my forearms got cold. I don't retain heat very well, so I was happy with the results and could have ridden all day long in that set up.) Timmy and I were the only takers at the Great River cafe, and we even sat outside. A few others trickled by on Hwy. 35, but no one stopped by to exchange the usual war stories. As Little Timmy and I talked; here is the official IronWorks prediction: August was wet and cool; September was hot and dry; October has been simply crap. It seems that based on that pattern every other month has been decent, so that stands to reason that November will bring weather conducive to good riding. Don't put the bikes away just yet.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
We all know the riding season is dwindling down, but enough already. Today marks the third snowfall for October. And it is a big, wet, sloppy snow that has managed to snap a few trees limbs around the neighborhood and bring down a power line or two. This is the sort of weather that needs to happen at the end of November. We haven't even had our Indian Summer yet, nor a hard, deep freeze of yet. On the up side; tomorrow is Saturday, and it looks to be the only decent day of the week ahead: a high of 50 and sunny. If it's good enough to melt this slop by mid-day, we're outta here.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This time of year, a lot riders start thinking about storing the bike for the year. For us, we think how much longer can we prolong our riding. Today was a prime example. It's been crappy weather-wise in pretty Red Wing. We had snow earlier in the week, and it stayed in the 30s and low 40s as the days drew closer to the weekend. Finally, the weatherman predicted a good day, and the mercury hit the low 60s this afternoon. It's where the temps should be this time of year. We think that Fall is really the best time to ride, and today was simply stellar. Some have been chased off from riding because of the past week; but today just inspires us to ride some more even as the shadows grow longer, and the days way shorter. I am inspired to say that there will be more days like this. And it will make those rides that much sweeter.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Our man Woody meets his demise at the 2009 Red Wing IronWorks Motorbike Club Octoberfest gathering. It was sad to see him go, as we knew him well. Little Timmy and Christian (upper right) doing whatever it is that they do.... don't ask. Lucifer and Bill (upper left) get to know each other a little bit better.
October Fest 09 one for the books
October Fest 2009 was all good, and our friend Woody made his debut, but it was a short and sweet relationship as he was sacrificed to the the firepit. In spite of waking up to snow and a blustery day, the wind calmed down and everyone gathered for OctoberFest beer and a good time. Though the temps were in the low 30s (that was debated, however), members of the IronWorks believe there is still some good riding left in the season.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Cruddy Run one for the books....
The intent was to make the annual Fall Slimey Crud Run... Problem is, we didn't get to Leland, Wis., where the Crud Run meets every Fall and Spring. We stopped for chow in the morning; had a slight mis-navigation glitch somewhere in the Ettrick, Wis, area, and then some rain slowed us down. Around 1 PM we arrived in Ontario, Wis., home of the Wild Cat Mountain road. We stopped for gas and Brian checked his GPS which indicated 22 miles to Leland as the crow flies. However, from Ontario, there is no direct as-the-crow-flies route to Leland. We estimated at least another 45 minutes or better of riding which would put us past the prime time bike viewing/gawking/watching in Leland. As the temps really didn't climb much past 50, and off and on rain kept the air damp and cold, I suggested Viroqua as a stopping place not too much further down the road from Ontario. I knew of a pretty good coffee shop and lunch stop there, and figured that would be a good place to take a break before routing back to Red Wing. We crossed over the Wild Cat Mountain road just as it started to rain. (This was the second time it rained right when we hit the twisty spots - first being Mindoro Cut. I rode that stretch in a rather geezerly manner as Rob and Christian breezed through it like nothing.) It was coming down hard enough to cause me visability problems as my visor fogged up permanently and would not clear. It didn't matter as progress over the top was slowed by a pickup truck or two. Once over Wild Cat, the ride from Ontario to Viroqua was good except for the intermintent gravel stretches that caused us to re-route a couple of times. Finally, we made Viroqua only to find out that the eatery I had in mind - Common Ground - was shuttered. Instead we settled on another establishment on the edge of town. We drank coffee, and I attempted clean the mystery fungus off of my visor to no avail. At this time, we decided to head back to Red Wing, more or less the direct way through LaCrosse and north on Hwy. 61. We rolled into Red Wing shortly before 6 PM. All in all, no complaints, good ride and we all stayed warm in spite of the weather.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Octoberfest celebration on Oct.10

The first annual IronWorks Octoberfest is set for 6 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 10 at Bill's. Bring an Octoberfest brew, and swap with other members who should do the same. This will be a good time to sit around the fire pit and tell stories of our motorcycle prowess. And, Bill has constructed a life sized wooden man to burn in the same manner as the fabled Burning Man Festival. However, we are asking all participants to keep their clothes on.
Fall Riding
Today, it finally felt like Fall. We've been lucky as we've had a warm September and the riding has been good. This morning started off with promise: sunny skies, cool temps; perfect for a day on the road. But as the day progressed, rain rolled in, along with the winds, and the conditions changed hour to hour. Still, three of us headed out, and stopped at the usual coffee haunt. Not much action going on there; rather quiet as we were the only ones on bikes. We took the straight route home, and within 15 minutes of pulling into the garage, a thunderstorm rolled in. Thinking I had timed my return just about perfectly, another half hour passed and the sun was out again. What can you do?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Crud Run, Oct 4......
Slimey Crud Run to Leland is on the books for Sunday, Oct. 4. Leland is a small town west of Madison with one of the only bars in Wisconsin that not only sells booze, but guns as well. This one-day ride is a good chance to see a lot of Japanese, German, English and Italian bikes. From Red Wing, taking the curvey route, expect it to be a 400 mile day. For more information, go here:
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fall Flood Run.....
It's amazing when you head off the beaten path, how the roads opened up wide. That's the scenario for Fall Flood Run 2009. Christian, Little Timmy and I, after loading up on lots O'Joe at the Smokey Row Cafe, rode into the vortex of Harley-dom. Crossing from Red Wing into Wisconsin, Hwy. 35 was already clogged with road pirates. As we moved south, it was only going to get worse. Following Christian's lead, we took to the ABC's where there is not much in the way of straight roads. As soon as we left Hwy. 35, it seemed like we had the whole state of Wisconsin to ourselves. Christian led with a vigorous pace. Little Timmy and I attempted to follow. After several milies of slicing and dicing, we rolled into Pepin, and our usual haunt, Great River Roasters. After refueling with caffiene, Christian and Little Timmy headed back and left me to my devices; which on this day was sitting curbside, bike watching. Rob soon joined up and so did the other regulars. Stories were swapped, anecdotes made, observations offered, etc., and before long, it was time to make tracks for home.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
IronWorks Motorbike Club
This is the first installment of the newly created Red Wing IronWorks Motorbike Club blog. We are small and loosely organized group of sport and sport touring motorcycle enthusiasts based in Red Wing. MN. I'll post picures, stories, anecdotes, club announcments and rides, and other details as events unfold. Though most members are connected through Google group dedicated to club members, this serves as our official website.
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