I drink beer at Noble Beast Brewing. A wedding brought me to the fair city of Cleveland for a weekend of wedding stuff and a mini family gathering. Fortunately, there is a contingent of family that like to drink craft beers full of hoppy and malty goodness, and who, like me, want to seek out the local brew pubs. Game on. We made out way to Noble Beast and ordered up a couple of rounds. (The 666 Conducer Belgian Strong is awesome.)
Toward the back, I notice two guys watching Moto GP. What the? I quickly abandon the family (Sorry, Fair Marie...) and catch the final four laps of the Austin, Texas round. Meet a couple of swell guys watching the race, and of course, we start yakking about bikes and riding. One of them is the father of the guy who owns Noble Beast. He had a nice Honda V45 Interceptor parked out front. Pristine and clean. Unfortunately, my time there was short but sweet; I certainly could have swilled beer and talked bikes all night long. But I had dinner to catch with my sister before departing Cleveland. Anyway, if you ever get to Cleveland, drink beer here:
Noble Beast Brewing
As as usual, I usually shoot some crappy phone pics, always keeping an eye out for bike culture. Here ya go. From Cleveland, with love.
Once of the nicest '83 Interceptors out there. |
Kawasaki two-stroker hangin' from the rafters at Noble Beast Brewing. Yep, it's motorsickle friendly. Yes sir, indeedy. |
John C. Mellencamp's Honda 350 at - where else - but he Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rob, get your's going. Seriously. |
Elvis owned this monstrosity. No excuse for bad taste. That's why we love you, Uncle Elvis.
Also at the R&R HOF. |
Bad ass beer coasters. |