Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blah Blah Blah

Motorcycle show this weekend in Minneapolis at the Convention Center. Blah blah blah. Lots of bikes. Blah blah blah. Lots of swag. Blah blah blah. We're going. Blah blah blah.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

So, It's Cold Outside...

Go for a ride.....

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Vote Total Is In.....

Walt Ride 2019 is bound for Tennessee. We need to start laying out the plans.

Our guest committee will have many things planned out.....

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Good Music; Good T-Shirt

This is the band you want to see; Corey Medina and Brothers. Based out of Bemidji, but they make it to the Twin Cities for some gigs. You like some rock-n-roll with a good blues burn, these are your guys. Would be awesome if they landed a night in Red Wing. Got Spotify? Find 'em there. And you gotta love a t-shirt with some flat track mojo.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

From The Dept. of Stuff To Do

This afternoon at 5 p.m. be at the Red Wing ELC (Environmental Learning Center) to hear about Doug’s motorcycle trip to Vietnam last summer. Pictures, too. Pizza, too. ELC is located here: 442 Guernsey Lane, Red Wing, of course. Bring a little donation to help out with some pizza coverage. A swell time will be had by all.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Rumors Are Afoot...

That Walt Ride 2019 may be heading to Tennessee. Stand by for details in the next couple of weeks. As usual, it will likely be the third weekend of June.

....who don't make plans for Walt Ride 2019.

Random Motorcycle Picture Of The Day

More snow in this picture from a year ago than what's out there now. Happy spring, everyone.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Don't Forget....

It's Motorcycle Movie Night at Scot's on Saturday eve at 7 p.m. Prolly a good time to start discussions and planning for Walt Ride 2019. Heck yeah. Bring booze, pop, hotdogs and whatever else floats yer boat. (Boats, however, are not allowed.)

Monday, January 07, 2019

First Harley And Now Sport bikes?

Are we approaching the armageddon of sport bikes, kinda like Harley is now with cruisers? Some reading to do on a gloomy sorta afternoon. Get it? Gloomy, amargeddon....kinda funny.

Growing smaller and smaller and smaller.....

Dude, where is my motorsickle? Anyone? Helllooooooo?

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Who Needs The South When Ya Got Minnesota?

Hope some of you schmoes got out for some January riding the last few days. Damn, upper 40s in January? We'll take that.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

I-Cycle Derby, Part 2

So it just happened to be minus-2 degrees when we arrived at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Nor'd East Minneapolis on this lovely New Year's Day, 2019. Motorcycle riding is motorcycle riding no matter what the temp is gonna be, right? Today's event was the 71st running of the I-Cycle Derby, a timed event (remember, it ain't about the speed...) that challenges ability to navigate, timing, and cold temp resistance. For 2019, 16 riders competed and two from the Red Wing Ironwork's Motorbike Club finished 3rd (Sir Robert) and 8th (Doug).  Not a bad way to start the year.  For some extra coverage, check out the Star Tribune link below, otherwise, here is crap ton o' photos.....

Capt. America registers for the ride. He did pretty well.

Doug (front) awaits the start time with another rider.

Grom? Hells yeah. Grom's love winter. Everyone knows that.

Sir Robert unloads with Doug upon arrival.

The two heroes awaiting results post-ride.

Sir Roberts brings home a coveted third-place finish.

Talking stuff and waiting for the start at 10:30 AM. Is that snow? Ain't nothing.

New bikes;old bikes; big bikes and little bikes.

Yes, there is such a thing as motorcycle handlebar warmers. So warm, it seems like summer.

Getting things fired up for the morning run.

It has been decided. We need a sidecar hack. Send your funds to.....

Line up of bikes behind Diamond's.

The route sheet. Yep, small clipboards are your friend.

The Capt. getting ready to ride.

A good luck wave to the others.

This guy having fun.

Waiting for the countdown to start the ride.

The waiting line. Each bikes starts at a one-minute interval. 

Rider and navigator. Well planned strategy.

Doug and Rob take off for round two in the afternoon.

Message of the day....

Ice Cycle Derby, Round One