Monday, September 01, 2014

Cycle World visits Red Wing.

The October 2014 issues of Cycle World features an article (page 18) on the new Indian Roadmaster  motorcycle. Big deal, you say; we're sport touring types around here.  Scoff all ye want, but the article makes mention of riding the bike through Red Wing and includes a picture of the bike in front of our historic clubhouse (ark ark ark ark...), the Ironworks building along the water front. Look closely and you'll see Red Wing's famous flower baskets and the St. James in the background. There is also a nice picture of the bike at one of the rest stop/overlooks down river. Though the author of the story, Mark Hoyer (also Editor In Chief of the magazine), contacted none of us for insight to local roads and scenic routes, good beer and or coffee, we'll catch him next time around.

Here is a link to the article as it appears on the Cycle World website, and with more photos: How cool is that?
Photo by Cycle World