April 18. Flood Run:You know the drill. Lots of cruisers, light beer, drunk fat ladies, a ride around the Lake, etc. etc. etc.
May 1-2: Vintage Torque Fest: Dubuque, Iowa.http://vintagetorquefest.com/ Can't say much about it; never been there. But Dubuque is cool, isn't it?
May 3: Slimey Crud Run: http://www.slimeycrudrun.com/ Invented by Peter Eagan and Benjamin Franklin.
May 15: Oil and Ink Expo: Minneapolis. Display of bad ass moto-sickle art.No stick figure drawings here, bub.https://www.facebook.com/oilandinkexpo
May 24: GLMC Bonzai Road Rally: sorta a scavenger hunt via two wheels, yo.
May 29-31: 39th annual Hiawatha Rally: Beemers and such. Obviously because it is hosted by the Minnesota BMW owners club. Go get yer German on. Money Creek Campground, Money Creek, MN.
May 30: Rockers Spring Social Motorcycle Show: Clubhouse Jager, 923 Washington Ave, N. Minneapolis. Cool bikes and a good show put on by the Ton Up Club - Minneapolis.
June 5-9; the 46th annual Walt Ride: Red Wing to Fond Du Lac for some racing. To New Glarus for beer and riding. Errr, make that riding and then beer. And seriously, there will be no tour of Minhaus Brewing in Monroe this year.