Sunday, July 08, 2018

When It Don't Go As Planned

The goal yesterday was to put on some miles deep in SE Minnesota, specifically Houston County. (We love riding down that way.) On the outskirts of Winona, Sir Robert noticed a very pronounced wobble; a road side inspection found what appeared to be a metal knob of some kind (possibly from a dresser?) deeply embedded in his rather new tire. Fortunately, we were only a couple of miles from Winona and the local Fleet Farm for a plug kit and air. Unfortunately, the ride to Houston County was scuttled and the plug failed to hold twice because of the size of the hole. Finally, Rob had to abandon ship south of Lake City on Hwy.61. The upside: we were only 25 miles from home, so pick up on the trailer was nice and easy.

What the hell is this thing? 

Road side tire inspection along Hwy. 43 outside of Winona.

Well, aint that a nasty wound?

The Michelin Man provided moral support, if anything.

Loading it up on Hwy. 61. With other bikes ripping past, it was sorta like the Walk O' Shame with the bike on the trailer.