Thursday, December 27, 2018

So Today It Rained.....

...and next Tuesday it's supposed to be a balmy 7-degrees? Ahhh, the mysteries of Minnesota living. The temp makes no difference as on New Year's Day it'll be the 71st running of the I-Cycle Derby put on by Team Strange. Next year's fun (Get it? Because it'll be 2019 on Tuesday) will officially start at 1030 at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Nordeast Minneapolis. Our advice: get there well before the 1030 start time to do your riding prep, registration, and meet a few of the other brave souls who enter the derby's competition. Is 7-degrees-above-zero that cold for riding a motorsickle? Hells to the yeah, it is. But man-up, Francine; last year, it was 10-below zero. Did the Ironworks ride it last year? Yep. Gonna be there this year? Yep. For more details, see link:

Guess who will be riding a neat-o bike that Santa brought two days ago?