Sunday, June 02, 2019

Walt Ride Warm Up Day

A very good way to spend a Saturday: good back-road routes to Money Creek, Mn., for the Hiawatha Beemer gathering this weekend. It's a great location that is motorcycle friendly (that would be the Money Creek Haven Campground); plenty of roads with big sweepers, and good peeps to ride with. A good warm up for next week's Walt Ride 2019.

By the old school house at the terminus of Houston County Road 4. Big, fast sweepers galore. And no traffic.

Old and new BMWs roll into Money Creek.

Took the BMW NineT for a test ride. Fun but shakey.

A Kawasaki at the BMW test ride? Sure, why not.

Mark won this as door prize.

The best place to put a blog calling card: the men's room.

Wanted to ride this, but someone else beat me to it.